Saturday 31 August 2024

Pobiti Kamani: The stone forest

Pobiti Kamani, also known as the "Stone Forest," is a natural rock formation located in northeastern Bulgaria, near the city of Varna. It is one of the most mysterious and unique landmarks in the country, often compared to other famous stone structures around the world due to its peculiar appearance. Pobiti Kamani stands out as one of the most intriguing geological formations in the world, offering a glimpse into the Earth's ancient past and a place of wonder for those who visit. Source: CP


Friday 9 August 2024

European Stonechat in Eclipse Plumage

I captured European stonechat in eclipse plumage at Malam Jabba in June 2024. European stonechat is one of rare bird to spot in Pakistan. It is robin size bird but very active during the day.A small passerine bird Old World flycatcher family, Muscicapidae. The stonechat is 11.5–13 cm long and weighs 13–17 grams, slightly smaller than the European robin.The male's bird song is sweat high and twittering like a dunnock. Both male and female have a clicking call like stones knocking together.